
Who are you? How did you get here?

Well, I'm The Frog! You clicked on a link that bought you to my website or were sent here as a punishment by a mad wizard, angered by your hubris (you tried to take his wizard hat without getting caught, you were a fool for thinking that you could). You can just call me "The Frog" or "Frog". While I am the owner of this little website, due to my being a green tree frog, I cannot use a computer effectively so I have my assistant, Dion, type up everything for me.

Welcome to my website, I hope you have fun!

favorite activities:

  • reading
  • walking around
  • playing video games
  • cooking (soups especially)

favorite soups:

  • pumpkin soup
  • creamy pea soup
  • tomato bisque
  • any lentil soup